new poster of love like the galaxy + ling buyi turns brutal

The new poster of Love Like The Galaxy is poetic and idyllic… a sharp contrast to the new stills of Ling Buyi brooding in his black armour. He is going to exact his most brutal and painful revenge this week and it’s not going to be pretty. Bloody and ravaged are probably the most apt words to describe what he is going to do. I feel Ling Buyi and So from Scarlet Heart have some similarities but Ling Buyi is on a completely different level when it comes to composure and intellect, war and battle, and love, hate and revenge. He is so gentle, giving and tender with his woman yet he is utterly ruthless and relentless when he is facing his enemies. I’m in love and absolutely enthralled by these two distinct sides of him yet it is the very same values and principles that drive these dual facets. Such a fascinating character.